Matt, today is Father’s Day and I’m allowing my mind to go into the fantasy world I’ve created when reality becomes too harsh for me to bear. I’m allowing myself to imagine that you are alive enjoying the blessings of being a dad.
I can see you at the beach, your happy place walking along the surf holding the hands of two beautiful children. They have your sun bleached hair, your beautiful eyes and that amazing smile that makes them your mini me’s.
I can see you chasing them through the surf laughing as they grab handfuls of sand tossing them in the air trying to make you their target.
I see a black lab frolicking at your feet, tail wagging as she runs along side your beautiful children. I see two precious boys looking into your eyes knowing those same eyes are staring back at the precious babes who stole your heart and soul.
I see you wrapping them in beach towels holding them close, pulling them closer in one of your famous hugs. I see my youngest son, now a father finally knowing the love that surpasses understanding as only one who has fathered a child could ever understand.
I see you carrying them home. Making their favorite snack and tucking them in for a nap. I see you staring at those faces so much like yours feeling your heart explode with pride.
I see them running towards me when I visit. Taking my breath away as memories of you at their age flood my mind. I close my eyes and picture so many beautiful scenes of us together sharing stories and remembering our times with you and your brother at our happy place..
How I wish my fantasies were my reality. How I wish you left a piece of yourself behind for me to love. How I wish I could look into your beautiful eyes and hold your precious children close to my heart.
Reality is harsh. Days that mark milestones continue to break me to my core. Fantasies have become my way of coping. Knowing you never had the chance to experience the joys of fatherhood has left a crack in my soul. Knowing we have missed out on so much of life is a heavy burden to bear.
The trickle down losses never go away. Birthdays, holidays and now Father’s Day leave me wondering how I will survive. Losing you was losing a future I had envisioned since your childhood. The normal progression of life was shattered with your death. You took so much more than I could have ever imagined. ❤️
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