A Story of Addiction & Loss

Month: December 2024

It’s Said All Dogs Go To Heaven.


Matt,  yesterday we lost our precious Scarlett.   She started to get sick 3 weeks ago and it just went downhill so quickly.   I’m still in shock.  I feel like it’s losing another piece of you all over again.  

I remember getting the call about a little dog who had been set on fire in Georgia.  Thank God she survived but she needed her burn cared for and since I was a nurse the rescue called to see if I could foster her.  

I remember asking if you wanted to take a ride to go get this pup.  We both loved dogs so I knew you would be on board.   We arrived at the rescue and walked into the barn to a kennel full of healthy lab pups.  I remember we both looked confused as these pups were perfectly fine.  

We kept walking around and finally found this tiny little pup with a hairless back due to the severity of the burns.  

I remember you reaching into her crate and bringing out the tiniest little baby.   She fit into the palm of your hand.  We decided to name her Scarlett to make a little beauty out of the trauma she suffered.  

She curled up in your hand and slept all the way home.  She was so tiny we had to find a collar in the ferret department.  

We soon learned that in that tiny body was the spirit of a big dog.   She fit right in with our pack.  Her personality was unique.  She quickly became the boss of the pack and of us.   She learned to spin and twirl in front of the biscuit jar to ensure she got her treat.  

I had 12 amazing years of loving our precious girl.  You loved snuggling with her and one day I captured you in what world turn out to be the last picture of you and Scarlett.  

It happened so quickly.   I’m still in shock.  So unexpected just like your death.  One week she was good then she wasn’t.  Refusing to eat or drink no matter what was offered.  We tried everything just like we did for you.   The vet said kidney failure.  Nothing could reverse the damage.  We loved her to the end.  Her last day was spent in my arms.  I remember telling her to look for her Uncle Matt that you would be there waiting at the Rainbow Bridge.  I laid her on her  bed in front of the sunny window letting her feel the warmth of the sun as she did on so many occasions.   

I talked to you letting you know what was happening.  I wondered if you heard me.  As she took her last breaths did you hear me calling out to you?  I can only pray that she is in your arms now.  That you are both happy and healthy.  That the rainbow bridge is connected to Heaven and one day we will share hugs and puppy kisses once again.  


Signs From Heaven At Christmas

Matt,   Today I was assembling backpacks for a homeless Christmas outreach and of course I’m thinking of you.  I’ve been doing A Hug From Matt ever since you left me behind.  I do this ministry for the homeless to keep your memory alive and to honor your life.  

As I was going through a bag of new donations I pulled out this hat. I stood there holding it in my hands as memories flooded my mind.  I haven’t seen a Snap On hat for years. I remember you wearing yours in winter.  Snap On gifted you a hat one winter for being a steady customer.  I never knew what became of it.  I never found it when I was going through your things.  

As I hugged the hat to my heart I felt a warmth spread through my body. It was as if I was getting a hug from you.  It was the first time I’ve felt a little bit of joy this holiday season.  The holidays continue to be swirling with grief as I realize it’s another year without you.  I’m trying to believe in signs especially this time of year.  

I try to imagine Christmas in Heaven and what you must be experiencing.  I pray it’s peaceful, full of beauty and joy surrounded by love and light.  

I will miss you everyday of my life.  Merry Christmas in Heaven my beautiful boy.  Thanks for the gift of a hat that carried you to me.  





Familiar Faces In Unexpected Places.

Matt,  today I go to drop off toys to a single mom with 3 boys. I was once a single mom and know how tough the world can be but it’s so much harder during the holidays. I have found that giving to others really helps my grieving heart especially this time of year.

These holidays are hitting hard as your 10 year anniversary is January 3rd and I’m struggling to survive those waves of grief. They seem to be getting more and more powerful as we are getting closer to Christmas then New Years then that fateful day when you left us all behind.

I’ve been praying a lot asking God for peace but somedays I feel he is deaf to my prayers.

I felt some joy picking out toys for boys as memories of Christmas shopping for you and Mike so many years ago flooded my brain. Wondering if they believe in Santa and if these toys would put a smile on their faces.

Pulling up outside her residence I see a mom with a little boy. I wave to let her know it’s me. She walks over as I’m opening up my truck and I see this precious little smile on a face that looked so familiar. His hair the color of yours as a boy. The shape of his face, his eyes all yours.  I catch my breath and fight back tears. He says Merry Christmas as I hand mom the bags and continues to smile that precious so familiar smile.

My heart is smiling and screaming as I return to my car unable to stop the flow of tears. Those tears fell all the way home and continue to fall as I think of things that will never be. I got the gift of a glimmer of a child that could have been mine, the child of my child, a grandson I will never hold or make memories with.

Today was both a beautiful blessing and curse. I wonder if God had a hand in the circumstances of this moment. A grieving mother trying to make Christmas a little merry for a single mom who then received the greatest gift of a little boy’s oh so familiar smile.  Oh Matt, how I wish you were here and that little boy was holding your hand and smiling that precious smile as he called me mom-mom.   

I’ve lost so much more than you…………

Holidays Hurt


Matt,   Christmas is in 14 days and I feel like I’m trudging through quicksand.   Going through the motions while shaking inside.  

Once again the Hallmark Christmas movies are playing daily portraying the perfect family and of course the perfect holiday season. 

No one talks about the real life reality that not everyone is looking forward to the celebration, the parties, noise and all the hoopla that seems to be everywhere.  You can’t  go anywhere without hearing holiday music not even the grocery store.

This year seems to be hitting especially hard.  I keep wishing I could turn back time, knowing how little time we had left I would have bought you a plane ticket making sure you were here surrounded by family.  I would have never let you go back to Florida.  We would have figured out a plan but every time I talked to you all I heard was how much you loved being warm and by the sea.  Little did I know that would be our last time sharing Christmas conversation even if it was only by phone  

I look back thinking of all the things I would have done differently.  It’s like torture.  Hindsight is a horrible thing.  It all becomes so clear after the fact, but remains so blurry in the thick of things.

I wonder what Christmas is like in Heaven.   Are you surrounded by peace and joy.  Is it beautiful?   Have you been reunited with family members?  Can you see how hard it is for me?   

One thing I know for sure is I will miss you forever.   Your smile on Christmas morning as you opened your gifts.  Hearing your laughter intermingled with your brothers.   Watching your pleasure as you gave your pups their toys.  Hearing your voice saying Merry Christmas Mom love you.  

This year I will hold you in my heart especially tight allowing those memories to sustain me as I struggle through another Christmas without you my beautiful boy….







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